Friday, November 9, 2007

Massage Nerd

I found this info-site massage nerd a while back.

Actually, my beautiful web-savvy wife Becca (too fashionable and gorgeous to be nerdy--> disclaimer), showed me it.

Developed by a massage instructor, this index holds a wealth of knowledge. For anyone interested in massage therapy/practicing massage. It also follows the stars & universe of massage, check it out.

Sorry, no sci-fi news is posted on the site.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

"It's kind of a big deal"

Today's my 30th Birthday! Three decades?! What if I don't want to feel thirty?!

More on this later.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Balancing Act--counteracting gravity

Keeping in shape and keeping myself fit is necessary for me to continue as a massage practitioner. The tendency of humans is to use and misuse the same muscles while doing our routines of work and life. Rarely do we exercise our remaining muscles.

Yes, the activities of daily living become our undoing when constant bad posture and body mechanics start to wear and tear at us. My hands get a great work out every day, so I must use different tools to help get the job done i.e. forearms, elbows, and the occasional jackhammer of sorts for mountainous knots :). More than anything though, my back and shoulders take the brunt of the work in my week and I have to combat that. I have to stretch out, yes. But mainly I have to bring balance back to my hunkered over posture. The core muscles on my gut (abs, quads, hip flexors) can get short and weak if I don't give them any attention.

Really, the reason I write all this is to remind myself to keep in shape or shape it up. Fight gravity! Do all I can to stand strong every day (mentally, physically, spiritually). I tend to get focused in on the task at hand and neglect other real needs. The idea, we know, is to break an old habit by adopting a better one. For as my pastor would say, Sow a thought reap a...destiny.

The law of the harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny.

~George Dana Boardman