Massage Buzz
Be Well. Live Well.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Massage Therapy Foundation
My short answer... I would like to see more widely published research on the efficacies of massage therapy. Little did I know (oh young grasshopper) that there is a research and education foundation that has been in existence for at least 18yrs. No doubt, I have read articles and books produced in some way by the non-profit organization, The Massage Therapy Foundation. This foundation's mission is to bring the benefits of massage to the broadest spectrum of society...
The web site is fantastic, a well of knowledge for all.
Check it out...Better yet, Support It... "everyone needs a cause and a good back massage".
Until Later,
Sunday, March 16, 2008
FSMTA Sports Massage Team
Locally, he has been doing a lot of groundwork for the sports massage team. He has contacted area sporting event promoters/organizers and created the opportunity for Santa Rosa and Escambia County therapists to be a part of their events. Triathlons, marathons and tournaments draw a myriad of people from our community and, occasionally, from all over the world. At the Pensacola Marathon, for example, we worked with athletes from Germany. They were so glad to have someone carefully treat their soreness before their next long airplane ride.
The sports massage team gives its members more exposure to potential clientele. If you are interested in becoming a part of this dynamic team, the next official massage team training course is to be held Saturday April 19th, in Fort Walton. Sign up at the next meeting or by contacting Roberta Broussard, EC Sports Coordinator, for a class to be held in our area.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
FAQ Friday

Another Frequently asked question I get asked is...
"What does your wife think about you being a massage therapist?"
Well, I believe when we first met I was wearing scrubs and she thought I was a doctor. Boy, was she let down when she found out the truth ;> .
No, that's not true about the whole doctor image, but I definitely think she had no problem with it.
In fact, I can say she is my biggest fan. She never fails to cheer me on. She's always there for me on the rainy days too. Come to think about it; she deserves a great massage. I think she has one of my gift certificates...
BTW- I will be working at the Pensacola Marathon doing pre and post event massage this weekend. Come out and cheer me on.
More so, come out and see the great athletes from here and all over the world competing in this 2nd annual race. I believe this race is a qualifier for the Boston Marathon.
Have A Great Weekend!
Thursday 13 #1--Deep tissue Massage contraindications

Certain areas should be avoided or caution used while receiving deep tissue massage.
In general infections and undiagnosed pain should be checked by a medical doctor.
Moreover, your therapist needs to be informed of certain conditions that would not be beneficial to your health. Communication is key.
- Acute injuries- Sprains/ strains within the acute inflammatory stage. Within in the first few days of incident, injuries should be avoided. First aid, R.I.C.E. Rest, ice , compress, and elevate injured area. Very light massage during and definitely after this stage can speed recovery time, the healing process, and limit scar tissue formation.
- Varicose veins.
- Open wounds. Again, massage after the acute stage can help can limit scar tissue.
- Areas with sensation loss.
- DVT, deep vein thrombosis, i.e. blood clots
- Eyes. Obviously a finger in the eye is not good. Also, care should be taken if contact lenses are worn. It may be better to remove them for treatment.
- Tumors, benign tumors could be stimulated by deep transverse friction.
- Areas of main arteries (i.e. the groin, armpit, and front of neck). Much care is taken while massage is being done in these areas.
- Deep pressure over nerves.
- Bony prominences. The styloid process behind the ear, spineous processes...
- Lymph nodes.
- Bacterial infections. Boils and or inflamed hair follicles.
- Contagious conditions. Cold sores, fungal infections like athletes foot and ringworm.
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Friday, February 8, 2008
FAQ Friday

One of the most FAQ's I get as a therapist is: "Do your hands get sore from doing this work?" Most of the time I can confidently say "no" (thank God). But unfortunately some weeks are harder than others and/or I let my body mechanics slide a little. As with any one who works a skill, you develop strength as you practice. I'd say it's conditioning. When I am out of practice, that's when I feel it. After coming off of a vacation...
RSI's (Repetitive Strain Injuries) like carpal tunnel syndrome can be helped alleviated by massage; but also, can seriously limit a persons career.
I believe in my own medicine. I practice self massage. I like to trade with other therapists often.
And I appreciate all the helpful people that are making the difference in peoples lives by educating and teaching injury prevention.
A great book on this subject, Save Your Hands, by Lauriann Greene & Richard W. Goggins, CPE, LMP. I believe it's used as a textbook in some massage schools and the author(s) have regular workshops for allied health care workers.
And also by author Shogo Mocizuki, Hand Maintenance Guide for Massage Therapists, the art of an injury free career.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Public Service Announcement from the AMTA
Massage Therapists Deserve Professional Respect
The practice of massage therapy is focused on health and wellness. It can help alleviate the effects of a broad range of health conditions, including pain, stress and muscle injury.
The growing popularity of massage therapy in recent years has attracted greater attention to the profession and its practitioners by the media and the public. While this increased attention has resulted in a wider recognition of the many benefits of massage, occasionally some public figures attempt to link the practice of massage therapy to sexual activity. Perpetuating this view not only demeans the profession of massage therapy, but also can threaten the physical safety of massage practitioners when an assumption is made that someone can demand sex from them.
AMTA and its members understand good-natured humor, but call on the media and public figures to not allow their comments to denigrate the massage therapy profession, stereotype massage therapists, or threaten their safety. Public comments about the profession should never imply an expectation of or a connection with sexual activity.
Massage therapists are trained professionals who have completed specialized education in their field. Those who belong to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), for example, have demonstrated a level of skill and knowledge through education and testing, adhere to a code of ethics and must meet continuing education requirements to retain membership.
© 2008 American Massage Therapy Association®