Thursday, January 31, 2008

Public Service Announcement from the AMTA

(photo credit:

Massage Therapists Deserve Professional Respect

The practice of massage therapy is focused on health and wellness. It can help alleviate the effects of a broad range of health conditions, including pain, stress and muscle injury.

The growing popularity of massage therapy in recent years has attracted greater attention to the profession and its practitioners by the media and the public. While this increased attention has resulted in a wider recognition of the many benefits of massage, occasionally some public figures attempt to link the practice of massage therapy to sexual activity. Perpetuating this view not only demeans the profession of massage therapy, but also can threaten the physical safety of massage practitioners when an assumption is made that someone can demand sex from them.

AMTA and its members understand good-natured humor, but call on the media and public figures to not allow their comments to denigrate the massage therapy profession, stereotype massage therapists, or threaten their safety. Public comments about the profession should never imply an expectation of or a connection with sexual activity.

Massage therapists are trained professionals who have completed specialized education in their field. Those who belong to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), for example, have demonstrated a level of skill and knowledge through education and testing, adhere to a code of ethics and must meet continuing education requirements to retain membership.

© 2008 American Massage Therapy Association®

Friday, January 25, 2008

Fav Friday

So, what have I been doing lately? I've had a great opportunity to be working out at the Athletes' Performance-FL in Gulf Breeze. Actually I have not been "working out"/ training there; I have been doing sports massage. The Athletes' Performance institute is a sports training/conditioning facility located in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Click here to see pictures from a Pensacola News Journal article featuring some of the athletes we have the opportunity to work with this year. Some of the other therapists involved in this venture are Mindy Sargent and Scott Williams.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday 13 #1--Massage Modalities

Thirteen Modalities

  1. Shiatsu-literally means "finger pressure"
  2. Medical Massage -doctor prescribed massage
  3. Sports Massage- Massage to help athletes meet their goals
  4. Trigger Point Therapy- Applied pressure to painful knots for relief
  5. Swedish- (aka basic Westernized massage strokes kneading, hacking, gliding) Stress relief massage to restore wellness.
  6. Aromatherapy- therapy enhanced by the healing properties of essential oils
  7. Rolfing- holistic treatment aimed at restructuring the body and body movement
  8. Craniosacral- branch of osteopathy that gently adjusts the head and pelvis to restore the CSF rythym, i.e. systemic cerebral spinal fluid circulation
  9. Myofascial Release- elongating muscle fascia to release tension
  10. Hot-Stone Massage- heated river rocks used to soothe aches and melt away tension
  11. Reflexology- Feet/hands massaged to correspond to different body parts/organs
  12. Onsite Massage- Therapist comes to you. (aka workplace, chair, out call)
  13. Spa Therapy- the "get away from it all" and please pamper me massage

Check out other Thursday Thirteeners here!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

And...we're live!

Today, our very first website went live. Stop by and take a look. We'll be adding an FAQ section, so think about what you would like to ask the massage therapist. Actually, any feedback will be much appreciated.

Massage Buzz

Wednesday, January 16, 2008