Certain areas should be avoided or caution used while receiving deep tissue massage.
In general infections and undiagnosed pain should be checked by a medical doctor.
Moreover, your therapist needs to be informed of certain conditions that would not be beneficial to your health. Communication is key.
- Acute injuries- Sprains/ strains within the acute inflammatory stage. Within in the first few days of incident, injuries should be avoided. First aid, R.I.C.E. Rest, ice , compress, and elevate injured area. Very light massage during and definitely after this stage can speed recovery time, the healing process, and limit scar tissue formation.
- Varicose veins.
- Open wounds. Again, massage after the acute stage can help can limit scar tissue.
- Areas with sensation loss.
- DVT, deep vein thrombosis, i.e. blood clots
- Eyes. Obviously a finger in the eye is not good. Also, care should be taken if contact lenses are worn. It may be better to remove them for treatment.
- Tumors, benign tumors could be stimulated by deep transverse friction.
- Areas of main arteries (i.e. the groin, armpit, and front of neck). Much care is taken while massage is being done in these areas.
- Deep pressure over nerves.
- Bony prominences. The styloid process behind the ear, spineous processes...
- Lymph nodes.
- Bacterial infections. Boils and or inflamed hair follicles.
- Contagious conditions. Cold sores, fungal infections like athletes foot and ringworm.
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Good to know! Happy Valentine's Day!
i never knew about some of those, interesting.
Excellent advice. Some I didn't know, but some I did. Don't you just love folks who show up sick? What are they thinking? Have a great TT. :)
THis is very interesting stuff. I've never had a massage before, but I'll have to keep thse things in mind. Happy TT!
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